Voice of the North

Japanimation. Where do we go from here?

Weekly Updates #22 – December 2, 2014

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Akatsuki uses her teaching.

Unlimited Akatsuki Works

Show Impressions:

Fate/stay night Unlimited Blade Works 8:

Who Me? (Episodes 7 – 8): Episode 7  was nother great fight scene episode. I ‘m looking forward to more of the confrontation between Shirou and Archer since I’ve read the VN and I know where it’s heading. That being said they messed up my favorite quote from F/SN, “Drown in you ideals and die.”. Episode 8 has finally broken the pattern of having nothing happen every other episode, I am pleased. Given that Ufotable is staying faithful to the VN there’s not a whole lot more you can expect them to do then they have been.

Mushishi 6 – 7:

Who Me?: I found episode 6 to be pretty mediocre by Mushishi’s standards (which is another way of saying good). Honestly I just found the conflict was too easily resolved, I guess that’s what happens when people actually do what Ginko tells them to. Episode 7 on the other hand made it look like a happy ending only to have cruel fate snatch it away from us. That being said I’m not sure what the episode was supposed to mean, other than the obvious and oft repeated message that nature is ambivalent it’s not your fault if bad things happen.

Log Hoirzon 8:

Who Me?: We finally got the dramatic pay-off for this arc, and I’m underwhelmed. The execution was really battle shounenesque, everyone teamed up and Akustiki found new powers inside herself but it wasn’t enough she needed a new sword to win. In the end this season has focused too much on SoL, character drama (involving boring cliché characters), standard fantasy exploits and not enough on the world reshaping influence of people from the modern world stuck in a fantasy realm trying create a place for themselves. DROPPED I’ll pick this back up if the later arcs play to this show’s strengths, but I picked this show up on the hope it would be better than the first season, so it’ll take a lot for me to pick it up now that it’s proven to have been worse.

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