Voice of the North

Japanimation. Where do we go from here?

Parasyte the maxim – Episode 11: The Blue Bird

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Kana fantasizes about Shinichi saving her.

“Oh, you were expecting Prince Charming?”

It looks like Parasyte‘s plot is going to thicken. This episode didn’t really have as much of a cohesive theme as the last few, but that’s mainly because it’s focusing on building bigger things.

I really hope Parasyte doesn’t take the harem route with Kana. Not to say it’s a large threat, given the nature of the show up until now, but it would be nice if her affections are rebuffed by the revelation of exactly why Shinichi is dangerous. It seems that subconsciously she knows that he’s inhuman, intriguingly doesn’t frighten or disgust her. The mechanism behind her talents remains as elusive as ever and will most likely never be satisfactorily explained, but if it ever is than it’s a certainty that the parasites will be killed off.

A parasit tests how well it can deal with armed yakuza members.

Well that’s one way to cut down on gang violence.

The marvelous fight scene against the yakuza did a good job establishing the power levels. Unless the humans bring a trump card to the table (paint thinner perhaps?), they will need military levels of force and heavy casualties to take down a single parasite. This is turn means that discretely killing parasites will be all but impossible, so when (it’s no longer an if) the public finds out about parasites there will need to be a major escalation of force. Atmospherically this scene did a good job reminding the viewers that even if the parasites are going to get killed off by society they will die-hard.

Shinichi finally kisses Satomi.

They’re kissing and it’s not even the last episode!

So Shinichi’s romance with Murano seems to be progressing shockingly well all things considered. While Murano still has her apprehensions her relationship with Shinichi is deepening (despite his best attempts at taking her on the worst date ever, seriously though nothing screams romance like talking about how humans are just bags of meat). It’ll be interesting to see how Murano will cope with the revelation that Shinich is no longer fully human and how Shinichi will cope with his relationship falling apart.

A parasite runs for mayor.

This explains so much about politicians.

I’m curious as to how well the parasite politicians will fare, at this rate their downfall seems inevitable if only because of the hair pulling trend. Political power seems like a good idea, but I don’t see why they aren’t targeting the upper echelons of the government. Just because someone is a Mayor doesn’t cough Rob Ford cough  shouldn’t make them above the law. I’m surprised they aren’t going for a more direct and straightforward invasion of the body snatchers style attack, after all democracy is a fickle thing. The fact the parasites seem to have infiltrated the inner sanctum of the yakuza might in fact help them more given that legitimate power comes with so many restrictive checks and balances.

No matter how you look at it Parasyte has a lot of potential to be excellent.

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